36 Crazy Fists is a metal band that was Founded in 1994 in Anchorage, Alaska. 36 Crazy Fists has four members Brock Lindow is the Vocalist, Steve Holt on Guitars, Mick Whitney on Bass and Kyle Baltus on Drums.
We got to speak to 36 Crazy Fists about their upcoming tour and more.
TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
CF - Fans can expect 36 Crazyfists songs. we are looking forward to it is going to be killer. We are going to have a big balance of old and new songs. we have not been there since 2011, so we are looking forward to coming back and playing for our fans.
TM - You released your album Lanterns in 2017 and fans haven't seen it played in Australia how have fans responded to it?
CF - It was great we got to tour the world for a year and a half and see the world. We are finally getting back to Australia which is the icing on the cake for us. The fans are great and they always support us and this Bindi 25th anniversary of the band we are still grateful to be slugging it out.
TM - What's your favourite song of this new album?
CF - It is witches night tonight, we switch it up pretty much nightly. I would say the newest songs because newer is always fun to play.
TM - What are you most looking forward to doing in Australia?
CF - We have three days off in Adelaide before the Adelaide show. I'm not sure if there is much fishing there but I do know it's a coastal spot I will probably get a charter to do some deep sea fishing.
TM - There is a tram that you can get from the city center, it takes about half an hour to the beach in the middle of Adelaide.
CF - There you go, I am going to hit the tram and hit the beach.
TM - You can get an all tram pass for around ten dollars.
CF - Are you from Adelaide?
TM - No, I am from Sydney. I went to Adelaide for the first time a few weeks ago I had an interesting experience.
CF - What was your experience?
TM - I was walking back to my hotel at 2 am, there was a guy that brought a foldable table outside that was covered in foil and he was working on his laptop.
CF - That is cool.
TM - You played download UK, what was your favourite memory?
CF - I think we have played download 6 or 7 times. It is always special when you get on those bills the UK has always been special to us.
TM - If you could play any International Festival what would it be and why?
CF - I would love to play Soundwave, I think we played it about 3 times.
TM - We don't have that festival anymore, we have download now.
TM - What is your favourite memory of watching a different band perform live?
CF - One of my favourite bands of all time is Alice in Chains and in 2011 my buddy was tour managing them at Soundwave. They had a closed stage, so even if you were a musician you couldn't walk side stage. My buddy hooked me up with tickets, so I got to watch Alice in Chains Up Close and Personal with my whole band.
TM - That is cool, what an awesome experience.
TM - You have played Hellfest what's your favorite thing about playing it?
CF - They have the heavy metal tent where you can go in and get all the old school back patches for your jacket.
TM - If you could have any bands play one of your songs which band would it be which song would it be and would it be in your style or their Style?
CF - The Deftones do Blood Work.
TM - If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be and why?
CF - Metallica, they are the reason I am in a band. If I could write a song with James Hetfield that would be the be all and end all.
TM - If you had to choose a fifth band to join the big four who would it be and why?
CF - No question about it Testament, Chuck Billy is one of the greatest frontmen of all time.
TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?
CF - Thank you for all the years of support and we are grateful to come down to Australia and play live for you guys.
TM - Thank you for this interview today. we cannot wait to see you in Sydney and I hope you enjoy your fishing.