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Bloodbath is a Swedish death metal supergroup from Stockholm, Sweden, formed in 1998. The band has released five full-length albums, two EPs and two DVDs depicting their performances at Wacken Open Air and Bloodstock Open Air. Bloodbath have recently released their new album 'The Arrow of Satan' and are killing it in the metal scene.


We got to talk to Nick about their new album and more.

 TM - How have fans responded to your new album The Arrow of Satan Is Drawn?

N - Really good so far, really positive you were getting a massive spectrum of feedback on the internet so quickly it's kind of mind boggling.

TM - What was your writing and recording process for on the internet so quickly it's kind of mind boggling?

N -  We all right our own bit to the song and I wrote some of the song lyrics we wrote the music over a few months and then re recorded it earlier this year.

TM - You were originally in paradise lost and came over to join bloodbath how do you think this has affected your writing style for bloodbath?


N - I haven't really changed it, I'm pretty much an old cool school death metal type of guy anyway. It is very different of paradise lost but it is still under the same umbrella of music that I grew up with it is something I haven't done in a long time so it was very much putting on an old pair of slippers that still fits.

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs which band would it be which song and in your style or theirs?

N -  To cover bloodbath music you have to make it sound like Bloodbath, you can't really do anything else you couldn't really make it sound like Flamingo or R&B it wouldn't really work with how fast it is and the time changes but I would be interested in hearing and orchestral version of a bloodbath song.

TM - If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be and why?

N -  Anyone I can get on wave on a social level has got their foot in the door music cements relationships. I met lost of people and like their music but they can be assholes.

TM - What is your favourite experience watching it different band perform live?

N - Once I was lucky enough to see Type O Negative in Germany it reminds you of being a kid again and the excitement you got when you were a teenager.

TM - Can you tell us a tour story?


N - We were on a tour bus once that exploded. We were coming up to Germany and the bus driver screens us to get off the bus it was 4 in the morning and we had just gone to bed because we had been drinking. We got off the bus in our underwear and the bus just exploded like in a Hollywood movie so we went to a fire station and they gave us all these old clothes they had as we lost everything the gig after was canceled.


TM - That's crazy, i am glad you guys are all alright. That must of been a really scary experience to go through.

TM - Who are your biggest musical influences?

N - The bands i grew up with Massacre, Celtic Frost the old bands thats the stuff i have a soft spot for but bathory is my favorite when it comes to Black metal.

TM - What's your favorite festival you have played?

N - Waken and we played Hellfest when they first started thats a good one.


TM - I haven't been to Wacken yet, it is on my bucket list.


N - You should definitely go one year.


TM - yeah i should. I love Hellfest though,  it is my favorite festival of all time.


N - definitely.

TM - Is there Anything else you want to announce to your fans?

N - We hope we can come to Australia sometime and check out our new album on your favorite platform.


TM - Thank you so much for this interview today, we really appreciate it and we hope that you come over to Australia soon.

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EST: Oct 2016
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