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The songs are as unforgettable as the band’s name was going through my head as i entered The Dead Kennedys in Sydney at the Metro theater on Helloween. Everyone was ecstatic to see the American punk icons in Australia and were ready to rock and mosh.
The Dead Kennedys have a full-on sound, and certainly know how to work a crowd and engage with their Audience. As a band that sing about anti-establishment politics their sense of humour became inspiration for generations to come.The Dead Kennedys formed 40 years ago, and first toured Australia 35 years ago. They have created 29 albums over there career and have had great success. The band consists of DH peligro on drums, Klaus Flouride on Bass, East Bay Ray on Guitar and Skip McSkipster as front man.

The Dead Kennedys are still guaranteed to cause chaos at every show and will cause a memorable night that would suck to miss. As the lights dimmed The Dead Kennedys walked on stage and everyone cheered. They kicked the set off with "Forward to Death" and as you looked out into the crowd the Mosh pit started. Next up was "Rawhide" off their 1978 album the 1978 demos, everyone knew this song and started singing with The Dead Kennedys.
​They continued with hits from songs across their backlog of music and sang song you know and love including "Police Truck, Insight, TDTF, Moon over Marin and Calif Uber Alles". During these songs the mosh was crazy everyone was jumping around, crowd surfing and enjoying one of the most entertaining nights you could witness in Sydney. They also interacted with the crowd and spoke to everyone.
As The Dead Kennedys walked off the stage the fans cheered for one more song, The Dead Kennedys played 4 more songs "Bleed for Me, Viva Las Vegas, Holiday in Cambodia and there closing track Chemical Welfare". Everyone started yelling our "One more song" again so they asked their fans what they should play and they played it to end off a fantastic night of music full of fun and entertainment. If you haven't seen The Dead Kennedys live yet i suggest going to a show.
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