Twinmusix got to speak to Dez Fafara from DevilDriver about there upcoming tour and more.
DF - Hello Ladies, how are we getting on this morning.
TM - Good Thank You. It is raining here.
DF - I love the rain, it has been raining on and off in California for eight months now and people are tripping out except I love it. I wake up every morning and it is raining again but I love it so enjoy ladies.
TM - Do you dance in the rain?
DF - I go for walks in the rain. I tell my wife, I am going outside for half an hour and go for a walk and come back soaking wet. It is great, I have been doing that since the beginning of cold chamber. I go for walks in the rain and the energy that comes off it is amazing so invasive.
TM - Well we are in Europe next week, so goodbye rain.
DF - You might catch some rain in Europe, I have been talking to people over there or morning and apparently. There has been some rain. It has also been hot over there so enjoy. What are you going over for?
TM - Hellfest.
DF - That is one of my favourite festivals to play. I love that festival.
TM - This is our third year in a row.
DF - Music is art and when you are doing it in France it doesn't get any better than that does it.
TM - No, it's amazing.
DF - The French countryside is amazing, don't just sit in the middle of France and see stuff. Go and check out the countryside scenery. I sit at the front of the bus when I'm traveling and watch it Go by.
TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
DF - We are bringing a setlist that is blistering and we are not going to be able to say a word for the first 8 or 9 Songs. I will be playing some stuff from my past that you may want to hear. We are going to have some extremely special songs in our set. We are bringing all that remains that is our opening at and it's going to be an altogether great package. I looked at the ticket sales this morning and if you are listening to this now you should probably go and get a ticket, it is going to pretty quickly.
We just launched our first meet and greets in Australia. I am extremely private I would probably make Ozzy Osbourne look outgoing. You can call me an Australian citizen as much as you want when I come down there because Australian fans have really taken to DevilDriver over the years. I Am on stage connecting but I thought I should probably connect in a different way.
These meet and greets will be great. We will sit around and talk about life. I get to meet new people and get out of my shell a little bit and say hello to some people. I am very excited about this trip, We just bought the tickets the other day. We just got back from Japan and we are leaving in about 10 to 12 days to go and do the United States. We almost sold out all shows, there is something really fantastic happening around DevilDriver world right now. I can't wait to come down to Australia.
TM - What can found expect from your meet and greet?
DF - We are going to get out on the floor and talk to people, sign posters and memorabilia and get photos with our everyone. It is not like I am going to say I will only sign one thing. Bring your Merchandise and let's talk about life and be real. I want to break the barrier between artist and fan and drop the ego not that they have any ego. I take that back if you had me in microphone, I have to go but I leave that on the stage. Sorry my dogs are barking in the background.
TM - Tell us about your puppy.
DF - I have a Dobermann that's a rescue dog from Canada, you can follow him on Instagram he's called piper fafara. I also have a Great Dane called Sir sly and you can follow him on Instagram his name is sir sly fafara. We have three cats and two snakes as kind of a mini zoo over here.
I am a real animal person, that is why I went vegan over 4 years ago. I saw a couple of slaughter videos and couldn't do that anymore. My next door neighbor has a pig and then they bring him out I play ball with him so I can't eat meat anymore you. I think you need to meet the new me I have been sober for four years and I have dropped 40 lbs and Run 5 miles a day. You are going to see a ferocious Beast on stage. I am at the top of my game right now and extremely excited to hit that stage.
If you want to see Devildriver you better come now, who knows what the future holds. I use to think I'm just going to grind my career, but I have taken a step back. My family and my wife is more important than anything. Our shows will be more ferocious than anything and the band is tuned up. The vibe is yes let's go, so we are getting ready to start a 2 and a half 3 year run right now. We just got back from Tokyo last week and the show in Tokyo was insanity.
TM - If you could have any bands play one of your songs which band would it be, which song would it be and would it be in your style or their Style?
DF - Danzig cover Clouds Over California I actually heard Danzig do a couple of Elvis covers backstage a few months ago it's actually pretty good.
TM - I love Elvis.
DF - I have an amazing story about Gracelands, I don't know if I should tell it.
TM - Yes tell it.
DF - This is about 12 or 15 years ago when they didn't have all the cameras installed. Me and my wife were on the tour and we snuck away. Let's just say we got some and we came back and joined the party. We were leaving and we got out the gate by the street, my wife's undies fell right onto the street. I said leave them by Elvis. I would like to think Elvis would be proud of me right now and especially of Anastasia, for leaving her panties on the street. He would be like "All right Mama".
TM - (laughs) What a great story. I am sure he would be proud.
TM - Anything else you want to say to your fans?
DF - I hate the word fans but I have a lot to be thankful for extremely humble to have a long career. There is a lot of people who have taken me in as a resident and Australia. Doing Soundwave was a big deal to me and I'm not taking it lightly.
I run 5 miles a day and getting ready to put on the best shows that Australia has ever seen. Anyone who has supported me in the past or getting ready to support me in the future, I am very appreciative of it and it's not something that goes over my head and I don't take it for granted. You could lose that at any moment. That is why I'm constantly striving to make better music and bigger tours.
We love Australia, people took us in and we are very excited to come down. I am very excited to come down. If you want to see DevilDriver, do it now because we don't know when we will be back. We don't have any plans to come back right now at all, we are really focused on the moment.