Twinmusix talk to Opus of a Machine about Their Australian tour and more
TM - How do you come up with your setlist?
OOAM - We focus on what will show the best of us and what we want to play at the time. There is a bit of new stuff and old stuff, we also like to play what we think people will enjoy.
TM- What was your writing and recording process for Stray Fire?
OOAM- It wasn't a really planned and structured recording process, we were as fluid as possible and really in the moment.
TM- How did you come up with your album cover for Stray Fire?
OOAM- Aaron Powers designed our album cover we wanted to do something reminiscent of than me and Mitchell a singer grew up.
TM- If you could have any band play one of your songs which band would it be which song and in your style or theirs?
OOAM- Radiohead playing one of our songs
TM- If you could pick any song title as a Biography for your band what would it be?
OOAM- Beacon as in that song encapsulates everything that we are.
TM- What's your favourite gig memory of watching another band play?
OOAM- I used to be in Caligula's horse and the Last gig i ever did with them we were touring with Opeth and we were playing a venue in Perth which has a top mezzanine level and got to watch over from up there now drinking beers they are my favourite band of all time.
Anything else you want to announce to your fans?
Our Album is released so buy our new album and merch.