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Pop Will Eat Itself

Twinmusix Catch Up With Graham From Pop Will Eat Itself To Chat About Their Australian Tour And More


What can fans expect from your Australian tour?


 A lot of the thrills and spills and a lot of the hits that people want to hear. If you were to leave it up to us, we would play a lot of the newest songs and a lot of the more obscure songs. However, it's good playing the old ones and having people enjoy it.


 You formed in 2005 after an 8 year break, what made you want to reform?


I think after you get over the idea of leaving in the first place, you realise what you had was a special band and you want to get back to it.


What made you want to change your name from Wild and Willing to Pop Will Eat Itself in 1986?


There was a change of direction at the time we wanted to do short Snappy Pop Punk songs, and we had just come out of a contract with the Wild and Willing stuff so we just wanted a fresh break.


What was your experience like working with Flood who has also worked with you two and Nine Inch Nails?


It was great! When we first met we were very much on the same wavelength, he wrote some stuff that we were interested in and he thought he could do something with our music. He was steps ahead as a producer and we did two albums with him.


Can you tell us a story about touring with Nine Inch Nails?


 Trent got me thrown out of a nightclub once for jumping on his back, he wasn't too impressed.


If you could have any band play one of your songs which song and in your style or theirs?


 Tantric Maynard doing Dance Of The Nerd


You recorded an unreleased album in 2010, you’ve already released some of the songs on the 2011 album, but you didn't re-released some of the songs off your 2010 album. Would you ever re release them to the public?


 Maybe, maybe not. It's always an ongoing process with songs, you may lose a bit of interest in a song or you may sell that and it may come up later.


 In 2014 who wrote a song against FIFA, can you tell us more about this?


 A rap artist had heard our music and wanted us to be involved, it added a whole new dimension to play music so we were interested in getting involved.


 What was your experience like playing it in fest festival?


 It was really good! I haven't been before, it's up north and I am from down south. It was a good crowd from what I can remember.


 Do you have any new albums coming out?


 We might we are always working on new  material, and when we think we are close we will start pulling and album together.


Anything else you want to announce to your fans?


It will be great to see our fans again! It’s been 3 years since we were last there so we are really looking forward to it and let's have some fun.

PopWillEat Itself Press Release - Pop Will Eat Itself
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