TM - Hi, This is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Andrew Roachford, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.
AR - Thank you.
TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
AR- I am excited to be back in Australia after so long and it is bonkers. I have been making, recording and touring albums like crazy over the last 20 years. I can only play for a certain amount of time, It is not like Bruce Springsteen that can play a 3 hour show, I have to choose which songs I keep. I will give people "Permanent Shade of Blue" which was my biggest hit in Australia but people will realise quite quickly when they come to my show it's not just about what songs are playing and what songs are not playing. They will realise the energy in the house, even if you don't know the song, it won't matter. I am a musician, before I go on stage I will play half an hour of James Barron. It doesn't matter what song is played, it's about the energy and you are going to get that.
TM - Do you have a favourite song to play live?
AR - I just like playing live. I like when the band is cooking and I am in the zone. It doesn't really matter but when we play "Only To Be With You" it's one of those songs live that Just Can't Fail. It is weird every time I play "Cuddly Toy" it's a lot grittier than the recordings but people love it and it is a groove.
TM - How did fans respond to your new album "Then And Now"?
AR - It has been received well because the whole concept of it is there are some new singles on there and there are reworkings of songs that I have had over the years, that is why it's called "Then And Now". It is my take on those songs as if I'm recording them now which I am. I went to analyse my old songs and I could hear the old me which has taken me through the journey which has brought me to the new me today. It is not two different people it's still me, it is just a different perspective I have on a lot of things on life and love and that's how you grow and it has been an interesting journey.
TM - How did you choose these songs that we're going on your new album from your old catalogue?
AR - It was a lot of the hits that we play live. The guys in my band were already oiled to play them and when you tour songs for years they keep on evolving. I try not to play a song the same way every night. I might try a little trick here or there to slightly change up a song so they keep evolving.
TM - What was your writing and recording process for your new album?
AR - I was in the studio co-writing with people I've been writing with for the last couple of albums. I was working with my producer and Writer called Jimmy that I have been writing and producing with on the last albums, He works with a lot of crossover artists. I also write with my guitarist called Chris and we have written some big radio songs together and it was just picking songs that hit me the most.
TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?
AR - I have had some artists cover my songs and there was an artist called Joe Cocker and he covered one of my songs called "Naked without You". This guy is a legend and an amazing singer and the fact that he did it was amazing. For a current artist I would love Adele to cover my song because she knows how to make it live and she is not trying to impress you she is trying to sing from the soul.
TM - Who was the first band or Artists you saw live?
AR - As a kid it was what I saw on TV and I remember seeing a show with The Jackson 5. I was little and they were little and it just made me think about performing. Before then I was classically trained on the piano and it wasn't about life performance. My mind wasn't like I'm going to be a rockstar it was what I wanted to play and it made me go wow that is a whole different world seeing Motown artists.
I got to see Al Green live maybe 30 years ago and that just blew me away because he is the last of the great soul artists. Seeing Stevie Wonder live was a lesson in performance and music and he was so good.
TM - What's your favourite memory with your fans?
AR - Meeting them and hearing about how much your music means to them and it helping them through hard times. When people write to me and tell me about their story it means a lot to me and record sales come and go but people's stories stick with you.
TM - It is amazing that you have touched so many people's lives in a positive way. Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?
AR - In May I am coming over, so come to the show. I don't bite so come and talk to me afterwards. when you come to a Roachford show it's not about just watching the band, the energy from the audience is just as important as the energy from the stage it's a two way thing.
TM - Thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it .
AR - Thank you.