Last night Scott Ian (Guitarist and founder from Anthrax) performed a speaking tour called "One Man Riot" at the Metro Theater in Sydney Australia. He told entertaining stories about being on the road for decades and some of his stories almost had you in tears of laughter.
Scott Ian walked on stage and AC/DC is playing, as the sound guy turns it down Scott says "don't turn down AC/DC, thats a criminal offense. The song gets turned bank on then scott says ok now you can turn it off. Scott Ian started off the show by introducing himself and explained how you should always introduced yourself when you meet someone.

Scott told his fans a story about the publicity tour he did in the UK. Scott shared how he got to meet his hero Lemmy in a bar in England and how the night and rest of the tour turned out. He was so grateful to meet his hero and the story made everyone laugh so you knew you were in for a great night with Scott Ian.
Scott then told us about how Pantera first started and how Panteras misic career progressed from when they first meet Pantera.
Scott proceeded to tell us a story about being in New York City with kirk Hammett and Cliff Burton from Metallica. One night the "three musketeers" got drunk together and went back to their apartment, as they knocked over an amplifier Scott got a pot of tea and stands on top of the amplifier and started pouring tea into the amplifier. While Kirk made up a song about it, cliff stands their smoking a cigarette and giving them a look like yeah you pour that tea into the amp. I loved this story as i think every metal head can relate to something crazy happening when they are intoxicated.