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Sepultura Sydney
Sepultura and Death Angel played at the Metro on Saturday the 19th and holy crap they rocked harder than Dwayne Johnson! The opening act was the one and only death angel and the crowd went crazy for them. Death Angel are an American Thrash metal band that were formed in the 80's and they graced our shores and interactced with the audience on a personal level that really made you feel like a part of the show.
It started off by Derrick Green, Andreas Kisser, Paulo Jr and Eloy Casagrande walking on stage with an aura that said they were ready to rock.
Andreas Kisser grabbed the microphone and mentioned that Sepultura hit a milestone this year, as they celebrated 20 years with Derrick Green and who is the longest standing member of Sepultura to date. The band jumped straight into the first song and started playing “I am the enemy” and fans went nuts and started banging their heads around.
They followed up this song by leading into “phantom self” and then straight into “Karios”. The mosh pit was starting to get really intense and you could see from all around the venue that the crowd was jumping Even with a full view of the stage Sepultura had an intensely powerful presenc.
The fans everywhere were rocking out as hard as they could to every song. Sepulturas setlist for the night included hits like Territory, Desperate Cry, Sworn Oath, Against, and Boycott. Sepultura started to sing the song Choke and you could just tell this was a crowd favourite from the sheer volume of the fans. They went straight into Machine Messiah and then Iceberg Dances. Derrick Green said into the microphone that were about to sing Refuse/Resist and the crowd went crazy. As Refuse/Resist is one of their most popular songs of all time. In the chorus of the song the entire audience sang with Derrick Green “REFUSE/RESIST”.
After playing so many hits that night from their whole career they walked off stage and the crowd out right screamed for more. Sepultura came back on stage and gave the fans exactly what they wanted and played a four song encore. That consisted of Arise, Resistance Parasites, and Ratamahatta. Sepultura finally played Roots Bloody Roots which the whole crowd was waiting for. They said goodnight Sydney and threw a drumstick into the audience and walked off stage. The crowd the entire show was hanging after every song just begging for more and more but they will just have to wait till next time to catch another show.
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